
Showing posts from August, 2019



For mine and yours


musings- cinq


musings- quatre

There was that one person  Beautiful piece of soul  Filled with love and life  A portion of your living,  You made them so... You were a part of them  They made you promises  To be together for a lifetime and more  You built castles of hope in vivid imaginations They held your hands  Looked in your eyes  Told you their truth  That their life would be nothing  Without you in it That one person  Who swore by the gods  To never leave  Is gone For good  Maybe,  Or maybe not so good That one soul  As you always wondered  Isn't coming back  And  You continued without them  See how great you've been so far And how beautifully you've done alone...

with love, from Mo

“Our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.” ~ Albert Einstein. But if an instrument is missing and melody is incomplete, how do we have a symphony? “I want to live a life of my own, the eyes told the head”. “I'm tired of helping you see, of being the entrance of light and reflection to the body”. “You all can do without my input”. This is not even a fight; I need a time out is all. But.....the head stuttered. In vanity, Eyes went shut in a fleeting second.  Where is the balance of it all?  No part of the eye sees itself now.  Mr Jombolo soon hit his head on the new television leaving in his wake the chaos, bruises and a lot of pain to bear. The sensitivity of other senses isn't functional at this time. It has never been used to loss of vision after all. There's no heightened perception really, it's dead black in there. How could the eyes choose to be so wicked? That it won't let us see the danger ahead. But why c

A Warrior's cry

They don't really love us Maybe they appreciate the idea of our being Or maybe they don't They just like to keep up appearances We're soldiers in a war That has no end A war that never began with/ from us The selfish cancerous Brain child of the dictator Spreading amidst all and Sundry What won't they do for a misguided cause? So we've been snatched away from our lover's bosom Shut away from the warmth only love can give Exposed to the company of cold and hot climatic conditions Buried bodies of boys Who never grew up to be men Their faces never stay away from our dreams They have become the nightmare One dozens of pills won't fix Their putrid flesh seemed to have made mother Earth a deal "If we don't make it, let no man here lay to sleep easy" They really do love us Or so they claim Fight for your unborn children! Fight for peace and order! But who, Pray, Who will fight for the burd

musings- trois



It starts From a crevice Ever slowly Seeping in Drizzling down An irreparable destruction Of tornados And sparkling fireworks Eating deeply Into the Heart Until a lonesome teardrop Turns into a few more A million more And the nonthreatening thunder Rolls into a storm A Storm - A tempest Of Ego's chaos Of will and way Hunting your mind and soul Until you give in Give in or fight...

No Title I guess.

When I first talked to my best friend, I immediately disliked him.  Hell, first impressions are rarely the fair criteria for judging people in my World. His height was unbelievably intimidating making me cower away in the short saddle of mine.  He didn't help matters either.  Like me, smiling was not a general option.  It came rarely, some will argue on special occasions even. In addition to being easily singled out from the crowd, he loved to make jest of people but talk a little. I said “when I began to know him” durh.  Oh well, that was an opinion.  So, when we first talked, I didn't smile.  In fact, I gave him the shittest face you have ever seen.  It all ended badly and I swore never to cross his path again. The following week or a couple of weeks later, this guy arms strong my colleagues and I into writing an unsolicited essay. One that will become a memento of the most remarkable friendship I've had so far.  My writing prowess probably began to manife

Musings - Deux

On my calendar, it's June 46. By some miracle, the Federal Government's stipend scheme which by all means is the minimum wage of my country had not found its way into my bank account. The same one that barely covers the expenses incurred for a month. Oh lawd, save a sister.   What then do I do?  I simply mount a bike and find my way to the Secretariat. Make some complaints, find a solution probably. I am blown by the sense of dedication I experience here. It's about 8.45 and a good number of staff members are at work already.  For a state that butters up laziness, I mean; let's put some slack on it. Before 10 am, I'm done.  With below average apologies and kind compliments on my rather "long" hair. A bike back, I silently resolved.  As I mounted the bike, no particular thought crossed my mind.  Well, not until we fell behind a Toyota hilux with white clothes wrapped around something - someone to be fair. All the love I had for this timeless class

Bush Meat


musings -un

When I clocked 20, I single handedly learnt a great lesson; love is not blind. Humans allow themselves to be blinded by an emotion they refer to as love. And in my musings, I know also that we have tagged love what it’s not. Sound familiar yet?  Love isn’t just an emotion; it is a way of life. How did I learn? By the simplest gestures of daily living that didn’t necessary have any sexual expectations or demand a return for a good turn. Like an heartily cheer, a warm smile, protective arms, an extra mile, deep concern, eyes that don’t lie - That is pure, untainted love. Maybe you didn’t know, or maybe do, but I’ll tell, the heart and mind has eyes. The Mind’s eye is a gateway into your conscience and we know that so many have consciously gouged out those pair. In the same vein, the mind’s eye is a mirror into all that you are and will ever be (a God factor if you like). When the mind is wrong, bruv, you might be totally fucked. The heart in our opinion houses love when

much ado

The connection between our hands and mind is another reason why God is awesome. A writer doesn’t need a laptop always, your mind is made up of several sheets and ink. Somehow, both meet half-way. 2019 started on a rather low note for me. The buzz and glitz of the festivities were still hanging tight in the air, it was as electric as always. As I managed to drag myself into the euphoria of the fact that life continues regardless of a state of mind, the thoughts of keeping more friendship than I had at hand came knocking. I had been scrolling through baby sister’s phone to see a lot of interesting pictures. Her friends will practically make her or another friend up and take pictures just for the fun of it. So, I took to twitter to tell my best friend to go learn make up and use my face for try outs for free. The guts on me. Lol. In my line of a rather silly persuasion to move along with the year, I took a stock of the past year. I discovered I’ve been wearing big shirts and loose

unpopular resolutions: slightly

This year being new is a function of my mindset So, I will seize the day by her hours Till around the clock And make every minute count I will wake up with thanks Round off in grace All day won't be all day forever So,  say hi to my lover For time and hugs For being there through my emotional fever If at its end My sexy dark mellanin kiss the earth I hope your tears for me won't be of regret For all I could have But didn't grasp I hope you light me a candle For every life I touched Since this sorrow won't drag on for long I'll smile for a little while As the sun shines on at least This year will be different For I'd define every inch of it with the divine God is everywhere within I'll seek him out Till I find the ultimate The peace only he gives.

Time; a short reflection

When we were young, We could hardly wait to explore older years, It seemed as though They were far away Now we are older Reminiscing the times we could play hide and seek Laughing at memories made Wishing time could go back for a little while The truth is If we could stay young forever We'll still long for a different life Yesterday remains in tomorrow And the ashes of today Floats into another day Age and grey is our constant Someday, this life will end Only time is continuum...


We're all selfish aren't we We let minutes roll into hours Hours into days Days into months Fair is fair we say Everybody is busy on a daily Communication ties are harshly severed It's the hustle, some claim Others over-do, In a bid to show they have a fix on their lives But when Lives die out And bodies lay cold in morgues Our selfish claims reach the peak "Death, oh why Death" "Why couldn't you take me instead" We wear black attires As if Color shades will be respite for our blackened souls We cry a river Out of momentary emotions "She was so full life" "He was a gem" As if we really knew them After Eulogy is done Snacks are served Jokes go round to lighten the mood We stare for a minute Into the wild Like a man making a new resolve But no, We don't change The cycle continues from where it left off Hustle continues

Owiwi, the bird of the spirits

Her eyes; large and piercing sears fear into the depth of your soul It lays man naked with ogling that scares to death The rounded mirror is as weird as the poise she maintains for a lifetime Be it far from me that I fall into the row of the Unfortunate and have her visit my dreams For tales lay in the wake of tales That all who Owiwi casted her singular shadow Upon in sleep had fates worse than death Theirs was indeed a circus The bloody circus...  

Isaiah 49;10

They will neither hunger nor thirst, This golden verse rang and rang in my aching head. The war in my rumbling stomach a sore reminder that hunger was what I felt, not the need to defecate what wasn’t there. Rain puddle from the previous week still graced the tiny path I dragged my suddenly heavy body through, the earth in this moment lived in the reality of this verse more than I did. Well, I don’t know if it hungered but it definitely wasn’t thirsty. My sunken eyes now saw stars, glittery giant stars covered what was the biggest bowl of rice in front of the eyes of my imagination. My tongue lashed out in the most gratifying sense of appetite as my legs fought for balance beneath me. I strove hard almost losing a hold of whatever balance I had left. It will be insult on injury not to make it past this rain puddle at least. The tears were welling up but I couldn’t part with what body water I had left so I took a swallow. They went right back in as I managed to get past the o

How I spent my Thursday

It’s a beautiful day and I’m up with what seems to be the hangover of yesterday’s outing. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I don’t drink neither do I smoke. And yeah, I don’t do drugs. Dance is my high and recently, road trips and unplanned outings are topping the chart. I haven’t had quality dance in a while though, the grind your hips against another person’s; gyrate in slow motion and the funk-fied kind. And I’m still kind of poor at the rave of the moment – shaku shaku. Y’all must be thinking, “dude why you gon be like that?” Y'all should get over yourselves. (Tongue out).

Feb 28, 2016

She was heart broken when love was young and bold, When signals were strong, But now her revenge has been satisfied, High above mutual feelings, She stands fortified. She sleeps with one eye closed, Her feelings have been sold, Warms up only to the cold, But she's hidden by God's angels, And I'm wearing a blindfold. Hers is a never ending battle, So on the grind - shoulder to shoulder, nose to nose She cares whether or not you lose, Her Soul is not hers Pray only for its repose. She's a victim of the times, And its hell on that side, I must have known a thousand ways, To show what's not its worth, But, I'm naive, Seeking good every intention, A messenger of time, Its all that saw to my death.


Fate isn't fair,Sometimes, Life reveals in ways, We cannot begin to comprehend, As fleeting as a day old babe, Lost to the cold hands of death , As long as the invisiblity cloak, That plays and cheat death at its own game, You think you're alone, Because I smile, And cover up the creasing lines on my face with make up , Because I offer you no hand, Not for lack of thoughtfulness, Or hatred, But in sheer despair , You don't know, That like you, I'm at the end of the rope, At my wit's end, Perhaps the thin line that makes us markedly different, Is our point of views, I want to give up - to, Yet you want to give up on it all, I can never claim to know how it feels, For in despair, I reach out to the loving hands of Hope, A faith which knows no bounds, I've never been in your shoes, Never bore with you a bruise, I have no real right- To tell you, you


My round firm breasts And ample buttocks Someday will be saggy and shapeless My billion dollar smile And white set of thirty two The same with which blood rushes to your male parts May never form a grin On the later days It will be yellowish with muck Each stain a part of my tale The sweet lips you eagerly kiss Will be chapped and soon peel off My mouth won't bring you bliss It will emit putrid smell The hands you link with yours in promise Shall shake with age against it's own will This beauty you think you pride in Will fade For beauty is vain Don't be so fast to swear by the gods To marry you a wife young man And claim your prize For someday this straight back Will only know rocking chairs Knees feeble and Years on reverse Spent with time, Faded with assaulting precision A product of decisions We'd be Left with only the sunset And friendship By which our love would have been vain

Road to Asylum...?

The night creatures are not just animals They're humans, covered in leaves too Puffing smoke carelessly into the air Making mental notes of each passing second Mocking sanity Thinking on what shouldn't figure Their mind is as clear as water And in that moment of clarity The mind; Is a Crystalline element Cool, calm and collected Eyes drawn in like a carefully devised trap Fingers held in place - a peace sign Precious minutes of "heaven" Inspiration at its peak Peak-you-a-roll Marijuana makes a peek Hands offered in mutual agreement "give me your life" "for a few minutes high" "trade me a part of you" It whispers And there's no saying nay No turning down "it is the good life" No creasing brows Only sober reflections For it is a religion; their coping mechanism So, light a blunt Roll up a joint And let life slip away from your very grasp Till you melt away into ob

Your Art

Your eyes are mirrors reflecting the World created within Your mind; a canvas outlining all you can be within and without Your hands bear brushes, making careful strokes that fashions the time to come Your vision is laid out - clear Dreams upon dreams - not compared Limits, borders are there to be broken Paint them too, they are a part of your picture after all Every dark turn, deep corner Splash with hue, imbue with light and patience Tenderly touch up your garden of faith with green and love And when the sky falls And day turns into dusk Don't let her go into dark without making the most of her sweet light When your strength wanes and your Bottle runs dry Never be ashamed to seek out the ocean of colors that lines the sky sometimes (rainbow) Paint away my friend With hope And giant strides that keeps hope alive .


Eti-Osa: river bank Amin: Amen Oluweri: the river goddess (according to ancient yoruba folklore) Olorun: God Eledumare: A Yoruba name for the supreme being (God) It was 7:00pm that fateful Sunday, when I left Oriental Hotels Eti-Osa to Sandfield bus stop to get a bus heading to Costain. I was at there for 30 minutes waiting for the bus when I suddenly felt a nudge on my back. I thought someone tapped me only to realize it was the breeze of the Osa River that blew across my shirt. Looking towards the river, I suddenly felt the urge to walk towards it. Like there was someone there beckoning at me. I hesitated a while but then, my steps traced back to the bank of Eti-Osa. I suddenly felt the need to sit and enjoy the breeze of the river as it caressed my face like the tender palms of a 3-month-old baby. The irresistible urge to talk to Eledumare gently nudged my stomach profoundly. A deep spiritual awareness that Oluwa was staring down lovingly at me, ready to answer any of