How I spent my Thursday

It’s a beautiful day and I’m up with what seems to be the hangover of yesterday’s outing. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I don’t drink neither do I smoke. And yeah, I don’t do drugs. Dance is my high and recently, road trips and unplanned outings are topping the chart.
I haven’t had quality dance in a while though, the grind your hips against another person’s; gyrate in slow motion and the funk-fied kind. And I’m still kind of poor at the rave of the moment – shaku shaku. Y’all must be thinking, “dude why you gon be like that?”
Y'all should get over yourselves. (Tongue out).

Wednesday was particularly different. A detour from my rather private life. I drove around town, with air conditioner blasting in from all sides. After a while, I found my way to the mall - might as well do this.

Naturally, I’d pick a block buster over any game any other day. Over PES too, the one I've been trying desperately to learn. In fact, the list of movies I have to see is ever increasing. But today, a number of games I reviewed just last week were staring right back at me.
There was no coming back from this kind of temptation. I dived in for as long as my impromptu budget will allow and eventually the day had to end. "It’s going to be dark in 2 hours bro" calm down your nerve endings.
"Nothing will be as sweet as rounding off the day in style you know" hmmmm, I thought out loud. Especially with a meal you haven't had in a while. Viola! It’s pounded yam baby! With proper egusi and fish; but this my friend was the beginning of my undoing.


When I opened my eyes on Thursday, I saw no evil. I went about some chores and life was sweet until lunchtime. On my plate were semo, efo, meat and ponmo. For a regular Nigerian; one of which I am, Ponmo is life. Science says it has almost zero nutritional value but don’t tell that to a Nigerian #candidadvice. Don't do it!
I pounced on my meal as a Lion pounces on its prey. I simply eat as much as I can and well, anything can happen to the left over. (Don't you dare, Every body likes good food). After my meal, the rumbling sound from within my belly caught my attention. Let it not be a call to pay homage to the white hart. By God, let it not be!
7 visits later, here we are.
I saw colorless faeces bruh. It was my believe up until today that color made a mark of difference between a white man’s poo and a black man’s big boy shit. I’m no racist; it’s honestly a harmless line of thought. So, that’s basically how my day went from hang over to hang out to dry. For several hours, it felt as though all life was snuffed out of me. But then the white hart is a sacred place and it must accept its sacrifice every other day.


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