with love, from Mo

“Our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.” ~ Albert Einstein. But if an instrument is missing and melody is incomplete, how do we have a symphony?

“I want to live a life of my own, the eyes told the head”. “I'm tired of helping you see, of being the entrance of light and reflection to the body”. “You all can do without my input”. This is not even a fight; I need a time out is all.
But.....the head stuttered. In vanity, Eyes went shut in a fleeting second.  Where is the balance of it all?  No part of the eye sees itself now.  Mr Jombolo soon hit his head on the new television leaving in his wake the chaos, bruises and a lot of pain to bear.
The sensitivity of other senses isn't functional at this time. It has never been used to loss of vision after all. There's no heightened perception really, it's dead black in there.
How could the eyes choose to be so wicked? That it won't let us see the danger ahead. But why can't it be selfish for a little while?  It sure deserves the rest if you ask me.
Just then, Mr. eyes decides to check out how things have been for that little while. “Let's see how they've coped without me, he muttered underneath his breathe”.  And on opening, all shades of broken met the eyes; broken gadgets, cuts, blood and anguish.  “Oh dear, how could the leg be so hurt?” It's really so severe that tears well up in the eyes. This pain strikes a cord. Leg is hurt, eyes express the pain.
“Never again, the eyes reassured”. “Never again will I leave”. None can survive without the other; we really do need each other. Surely, like the eyes, people want to take credit for your growth. Because of a little drop here, tiny bit there. They can, for a tree that forgets its source will soon die away.
No tree can grow alone unaided, no? Give the sun back its sunshine and Mother Earth back her water, atmosphere back its air and let’s watch you grow. Ain’t nothing like self-made my friend. If God didn’t want us helping each other, he wouldn’t have made man a help meet. I’m all for alone time, yes, we all need a break-away sometime.
Every time, man needs God. Other times, man needs man. It’s amazing how sometimes; we still miss the underlying message.


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