No Title I guess.


When I first talked to my best friend, I immediately disliked him.  Hell, first impressions are rarely the fair criteria for judging people in my World. His height was unbelievably intimidating making me cower away in the short saddle of mine.  He didn't help matters either.  Like me, smiling was not a general option.  It came rarely, some will argue on special occasions even.
In addition to being easily singled out from the crowd, he loved to make jest of people but talk a little. I said “when I began to know him” durh.  Oh well, that was an opinion.  So, when we first talked, I didn't smile.  In fact, I gave him the shittest face you have ever seen.  It all ended badly and I swore never to cross his path again.
The following week or a couple of weeks later, this guy arms strong my colleagues and I into writing an unsolicited essay. One that will become a memento of the most remarkable friendship I've had so far.  My writing prowess probably began to manifest since primary school, therefore I had a juvenile pride of being a great writer even though I didn’t quite have a grasp of what it meant. Pride, maybe. Or the high way of seeking validation for something I barely even understood. So, I wrote with utmost confidence and a joy of scoring higher than others (naturally yeah? Friggin Idiot, it was not a competition for heaven’s sake).  Somehow, what was meant to be a punishment he will relish turned out to be a hobby for me.
Results came out and the peacock was clothed in grey hues.  My essay had been filled with silly errors which apparently wasn’t expected and didn't go unnoticed by specific third parties (this is the boarding house, by default there is always a third party). His gentleness at marking out my errors made my heart kick.  For a minute, I decided he wasn't as bad as I thought. And from that day, I began to accord him respect. We began to speak: forming a strong bond.
As time passed, we discussed interest in books, songs, movies, families blah blah blah. We discovered a weird similarity between us – sweatiness. Yuck. Lol.  We will write short notes and lengthy texts if need be and gist too, at whatever chance we got. Now? We could be out of touch for weeks and come back as if it never happened. That’s pure; rare and beautiful.
Looking back at it now, the shining light behind over a decade old friendship is not a result of chance and conscious effort at making it work. You should know I’m lazy as fuck. It is in fact the opposite – a silent agreement made in a moment of total honesty. A complete undaunted knack to be honest with each other especially at the very worst which humans are generally inclined to cover up without hesitation or doubt.  No matter how long it took me to realize, this singular factor was a catalyst on my broad pathway journey towards truth to self. He became my very first human evidence at genuine change. Yeah, moral of the story - honesty pays but honesty to self is first of all the greatest form of liberation. Ciao!


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