Your Art

Your eyes are mirrors reflecting the World created within
Your mind; a canvas outlining all you can be within and without
Your hands bear brushes, making careful strokes that fashions the time to come
Your vision is laid out - clear
Dreams upon dreams - not compared
Limits, borders are there to be broken
Paint them too, they are a part of your picture after all
Every dark turn, deep corner
Splash with hue, imbue with light and patience
Tenderly touch up your garden of faith with green and love
And when the sky falls
And day turns into dusk
Don't let her go into dark without making the most of her sweet light
When your strength wanes and your Bottle runs dry
Never be ashamed to seek out the ocean of colors that lines the sky sometimes (rainbow)
Paint away my friend
With hope
And giant strides that keeps hope alive.


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