Time and Tide

Between now and the last time you read from me, it's been about five months. 5 months!!! How time flies! You've been on my mind; I can't lie to you. I drafted my first write-up for the year on the 19th of December. I never got around finishing it. The same thing happened on the 20th of January, but this is seeing the light of day.

I have thought of the several forms I could present my thoughts to you, but the fact that you might not like my approach has drawn me back for so long. Today, I am deciding against all thoughts and odds to let it out regardless.

It's going to be a year in June when my life took a tremendous turn, and I've loved it so much.  I finally took the bold step to achieve one of my goals as a writer; getting paid independently for the services I could render. It wasn't without push and shove. But, in these few months, I have come to understand the need to take the first step in every worthy endeavor.

Beyond steps, I have come to learn the importance of believing in your own potentials because the World wouldn't do it for you. Without a doubt, I have reached a place of the firm and indisputable belief that this is my calling.

What's yours?

Have you been afraid like me? Have you been hiding in the shell of insecurity, claiming it's the way you're wired? Darling, have you checked the calendar today? The time that you take as your friend is running so fast, he is neither friend nor foe. He's only a momentary ally. I do understand that your fears are real; what if the World doesn't care? What if they don't? Will you still love to waste away like you've been doing?

Your fears may be real, but it's only a feeling, not the truth. The truth is that your dreams more valid and vivid, and it's okay to mess it up in the first few attempts. The beginning of your life is that point where you throw insecurities into the wind and let your wings into the air. The World is not essentially your validation; it all begins and ends with you.

My heart is so full of many things, lots of facts that I want to share with you, but we have to work on this first. Your talents are the keys to the doors you think will remain shut forever. Allow yourself a trial; it is all you'd ever need.

You will not believe the amazing things you could do unless you try. And, I have such faith and believe in your abilities; I feel my soul cheering you on. The year young; you can get started right now.

Oh, I did a thing. Find it here. I hope you love it as much as I do. Enjoy!




  1. You will not believe the Maxing things you could do unless you try.....deep.

    Thank you for this reminder

  2. Please I need you to be my mentor...i am 23 years old and I won't to dive into copywriting.

    My phone number is 09029217538, email: homiedreamchaser@gmail.com.


  3. It takes an intentional move to clear self-doubt and fear. A bold step bridges dreams to reality; TAKE IT NOW!

    Nice piece Mo'


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