
Showing posts from May, 2020


The first time I noticed a grey strand of hair on my head, I thought it was cool.   I paid no mind and forgot about the matter until recently. 2 new strands! Someone call the hair bender! I freaked out a bit; am I growing old or something?  Of course, I am not. G reying hair amongst young adults is not exactly uncommon. There is a belief among people of my tribe, that greying hair signifies wealth. Maybe it’s a good thing, after all.   Okay, I am just kidding. Before you begin to freak out like me, greying hair does not mean you have a medical issue. Although studies show that it is mostly genetically inclined. While race, as well as ethnicity, plays a significant role in the greying timeline, this is not to say that there are no medical challenges associated with greying hair. Sure, there are, and some of these can be corrected. Embracing your grey It is a myth that grey hair makes you look old; I promise you. I think we all love our hair in our mysterious ways. They constitute

On The Streets Of Lagos

My first reaction was to make a clean sweep of the faces that watched the situation keenly. Thankfully, one of them will belong to my Mother, or did I have no such luck? Where could she have gone? She was not due for sales until evening; it is a Sunday for the love of Boli. My gaze kept moving around and about until it fell on Basira. The brat, why had she broken into a run when she saw me on my way back, did she know something I did not? My legs instinctively began to carry me to her direction. She was moving too. She sure was backing off. That confirms it, she did know something, and she was no escaping this one, not on my watch. I jumped on Basira without meaning too. I guess this is the work of the adrenaline Uncle Science had spoken of. Thank God for Adrenaline, I couldn't have made the catch in time. The impact that my weight had on Basira's frame is something that shocked me as much as it shocked the onlookers. Their attention was quick to leave the dead body to a new si

Learning A New Language.

The thrill that comes with learning something new is often explosive; depending on how much of the excitement your heart can contain. You feel as though you're seeing the world through new eyes and of course, you are. Yes, change is a never-ending part of our lives but embracing it is one of the most challenging journeys on which you’d ever embark. Learning a new language is thrilling; however, it is not without hiccups. I have had a picture of Germany in my heart since my lecturer painted my class one during what should have been a biochemistry lecture. It is not news to the World that Biochemistry there is at its finest. So when the opportunity to learn a new language came for me, I practically jumped on it, especially as it was German. I feel as though I'm a step closer (lol) . Learning a new language will take hours upon hours of study,  repetition, quizzes and a lot of consistency. I must add, that the video lessons available on Udemy are as easy as it gets; I wou